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The Proserpine rock-wallaby is an endangered species of wallaby that lives in rocky outcrops and ledges in Northern Queensland, and has been on the endangered list since 1992. Small, brown and agre...

As an aquatic playground for many types of marine life and coral species within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, the Whitsundays is of course home to arguably the most famous of all dolphin spec...

Made popular by the film Finding Nemo the clownish is a native species to the Great Barrier Reef and can be found in the Whitsundays.

There are hundreds of species of rays and sharks in the Great Barrier Reef, adding to the diversity and beauty of its waters. If you're planning a trip to the Whitsundays on the Great Barrier Reef,...

Seagulls are found everywhere in the coastal regions of Australia, and the Whitsundays are no exception! They are generally more inquisitive and friendly with humans which coexist along the beaches...

The Whitsundays is home to the colourful and friendly Rainbow Lorikeet bird, which is a common species of bird along the coast.

The Whitsundays is the perfect place to discover some amazing wildlife, check out our list of local fauna you can expect to see when you visit!

A popular sighting while snorkelling, swimming and scuba diving around the Whitsundays islands is the sea cucumber.

They are those bright, amazingly coloured in blue and yellow fish which you see so often around the Whitsunday islands.

One of the most popular species of wrasse around the Whitsundays and Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is the Napoleon wrasse which is often sighted snorkelers and scuba divers.