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Dugongs are often spotted in particular bays around the Whitsunday Islands.

Snubfin Dolphin The Australian Snubfin Dolphin (Orcaella heinsohni) is a recently recognised species of dolphin, scientifically described in 2005.

Spinner dolphins are also known as the Long Snouted Dolphin.

Several vessels in the Whitsundays have specifically fitted underwater blue Led lights to attract dolphins

The white tip reef shark is one of the most common sharks found in shallow tropical and warm temperate water around coral reefs on the Great Barrier Reef. These friendly, peaceful creatures frequen...

Star Fish / Sea Stars are a favourite of most locals that work on passenger boats around the beautiful Whitsundays. There are many different types of starfish found around the Islands.

Sea cucumbers are another type of Echinoderm, you will find these on the sea floor. They are called sea cucumbers because of their shape and leather like skin.

This is a large group of fish ranging from the small, colourful basslets to the large Queensland groupers. Its a beautiful family of fish that loves playing hide and seek with the divers.

The Whitsundays are home to an abundance of marine life, and here are some common fish you can expect to run into when visiting!

Whilst diving in the Whitsundays do not miss the opportunity to dive on one of our Nemo trails...