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It's said that the whales will come to the Whitsundays early this year. Usually migrating up the coast in June - August, locals are saying that the whales will make their annual appearance earlier ...

As the most mystical underwater event of the year, coral spawning is an incredible opportunity to witness the power of the Great Barrier Reef as one giant living organism.

New research has shown that dugong calves have made a comeback on the reef.
The population was virtually wiped out after Cyclone Yasi in 2011, which damaged seagrass growth, their main source of f...

Fish larvae may travel further than we had previously thought, showing that reef conservation and management may go even further beyond the boundaries that we imagined.

Coral gardening is on the horizon in the Whitsundays. The initiative has been put forward as a solution to help inshore reefs recover that have been damaged by cyclones that have disrupted the Whit...

A herbivore is a animal that feeds only on plants. They are not predatory nor do they hunt other animals, but instead survive of nutrients provided by plants only. And they are helping the reef big...

Global warming is a world-wide issue. One that affects the world in many ways, including the warming of our oceans and the changing of our ecosystems. The Great Barrier Reef is one such ecosystem.
The Crown-Of-Thorns Starfish has long since been a problem for the Great Barrier Reef, and has posed a problem for marine biologists and conservationists for many years.

As the cold weather rolls into Airlie Beach and the Whitsundays, so too do the whales! Every year during the winter season, thousands of humpback whales migrate to the Whitsundays to nurse their ba...

In the wake of the Category 4 Cyclone Debbie, it is hard to see the bright side of such a huge weather phenomenon. However, in terms of coral bleaching, there may be a silver lining to the the stor...