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Scuba Diving Medical Questionnaire Whitsundays

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Gabby Boucher
Updated Mon 08 Apr 2024

Scuba diving is an incredible experience, but it can be physically demanding and it's important to honestly answer the dive medical questionnaire. No matter where in the world you want to dive, you'll need to complete this list of important questions about your health and fitness. 

So before scuba diving in the Whitsundays and the Great Barrier Reef, review these health and medical requirements! Diving is a demanding activity with lots of safety procedures that must be followed to ensure everyone stays safe before, during, and after a dive. To reduce any risks, be sure to answer this standard dive medical questionnaire. 

scuba divers on a boat in the whitsundays

Safety while scuba diving

You will learn from the dive instructor the important safety rules regarding breathing and equalisation while scuba diving. Improper use of scuba equipment can result in serious injury. You must be thoroughly instructed in its use under direct supervision of a qualified instructor to use it safely. If you have any additional questions about diving and your medical questionnaire, you should review them with your instructor before signing.

aerial view of sailboat next to the great barrier reef

Health restrictions to be aware of while scuba diving

You must be in good health to scuba dive, as it is a physically demanding activity. To scuba dive safely, you should not be extremely overweight or out of condition. Diving can be strenuous under certain conditions.

Your respiratory and circulatory systems must be in good health. All body air spaces must be normal and healthy. A person with coronary disease, a current cold or congestion, epilepsy, a severe medical problem or who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs should not dive.

If you have asthma, heart disease, other chronic medical conditions or you are taking medications on a regular basis, you should consult your doctor and the instructor before participating in this program, and on a regular basis thereafter upon completion.

scuba diver preparing to dive in the whitsundays

Purpose of the Scuba Diving Medical Questionnaire

The purpose of this Medical Questionnaire is to find out if you should be examined by your doctor before participating in recreational diver training. A positive response to a question does not necessarily disqualify you from diving. A positive response means that there is a preexisting condition that may affect your safety while diving and you must seek the advice of your physician prior to engaging in dive activities.

If your doctor says you are ok to dive, bring a formal letter to your diving tour or course to show you have been approved! You may not be allowed to dive without doctor approval. Medicals should be completed at least 1 day prior to departure. 

If during the tour it becomes apparent that a form has been completed incorrectly, the tour operator reserves the right to prevent any customer from undertaking any scuba diving activities. 

clownfish swimming in great barrier reef anemone

Scuba Diving Medical Questionnaire

Please answer the following questions on your past or present medical history with a YES or NO. If you are not sure, answer YES

_____ Could you be pregnant, or are you attempting to become pregnant?

_____ Are you presently taking prescription medications? (with the exception of birth control or anti-malarial)

_____ Are you over 45 years of age and can answer YES to one or more of the following?

  • currently smoke a pipe, cigars or cigarettes
  • have a high cholesterol level
  • have a family history of heart attack or stroke
  • are currently receiving medical care
  • high blood pressure
  • diabetes mellitus, even if controlled by diet alone

Have you ever had or do you currently have

_____ Asthma, or wheezing with breathing, or wheezing with exercise?

_____ Frequent or severe attacks of hayfever or allergy?

_____ Frequent colds, sinusitis or bronchitis?

_____ Any form of lung disease?

_____ Pneumothorax (collapsed lung)?

_____ Other chest disease or chest surgery?

_____ Behavioral health, mental or psychological problems (Panic attack, fear of closed or open spaces)?

_____ Epilepsy, seizures, convulsions or take medications to prevent them?

_____ Recurring complicated migraine headaches or take medications to prevent them?

_____ Blackouts or fainting (full/partial loss of consciousness)?

_____ Frequent or severe suffering from motion sickness (seasick, carsick, etc.)?

_____ Dysentery or dehydration requiring medical intervention?

_____ Any dive accidents or decompression sickness?

_____ Inability to perform moderate exercise (example: walk 1.6 km/one mile within 12 mins.)?

_____ Head injury with loss of consciousness in the past five years?

_____ Recurrent back problems?

_____ Back or spinal surgery?

_____ Diabetes?

_____ Back, arm or leg problems following surgery, injury or fracture?

_____ High blood pressure or take medicine to control blood pressure?

_____ Heart disease?

_____ Heart attack?

_____ Angina, heart surgery or blood vessel surgery?

_____ Sinus surgery?

_____ Ear disease or surgery, hearing loss or problems with balance?

_____ Recurrent ear problems?

_____ Bleeding or other blood disorders?

_____ Hernia?

_____ Ulcers or ulcer surgery?

_____ A colostomy or ileostomy?

_____ Recreational drug use or treatment for, or alcoholism in the past five years?

If any of these items apply to you, we must request that you consult with a physician prior to participating in scuba diving. Please have a copy of the RSTC Medical Statement and Guidelines for Recreational Scuba Diver's Physical Examination to take to your physician.

girls preparing to scuba dive in the whitsundays

Certified Diving Terms and Conditions

Certain rules may apply for certified divers in the Whitsundays. Certified divers must present a valid Certification Card to participate in dives on all tours. Failure to show a Certification Card may result in the customer not being able to dive on the tour.

If you are a certified diver who has not dived in the last 12 months, you may be required to take a scuba refresher course. These courses usually need to be booked in advance and are at an additional cost. Information about scuba refresher courses can be found on the tour page for your dive. So plan ahead for your dive and ensure you take all the necessary steps for an amazing and safe dive!

If you have any other questions about scuba diving in the Whitsundays, contact our team of local travel experts!

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