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Fun facts of the Whitsundays and Australia

Updated Wed 07 Sep 2022

kangaroo, whitsundays

Australia is most definitely one of the most unique places on earth. Known for its stunning scenery, peculiar animal life, and diverse landscapes, it's both its own country and continent and one of the best places in the world to visit and explore with its many unique and diverse landscapes. 

Australia Facts

  • The name Australia comes from the word australis
  • The dingo is the largest carnivorous animal in Australia
  • It is the world's 6th largest country by size
  • There are 45 Indigenous languages
  • Our main language is English
  • Our capital city is Canberra
  • We have a population of over 20 million people
  • The official currency is the Australian dollar
  • There are over 40 million kangaroos in Australia and more than 140 million sheep
  • Australia is the opal capital of the world and most of the world's opals are mined here
  • It is home to many unique animals such as the kangaroo, koala, emu, dingo and wombat
  • There are over 140 species of snakes

fraser island, forest, australia

Whitsunday Facts

  • There are 74 islands in the Whitsundays
  • The Whitsundays were named by Captain James Cook, who sailed through on Whit Sun or Whit Sunday, the 7th Sunday after Easter
  • The Whitsundays in the heart of the Great Barrier Reef, the largest reef in the world
  • Part of the Kate Hudson movie Fool's Gold was shot on Hamilton Island and Whitehaven Beach
  • The islands were formed millions of years ago
  • The Ngaro are the original inhabitants and traditional owners of the Whitsundays
  • Most tours in the Whitsundays leave from Airlie Beach
  • Humpback whales migrate here every winter to calve (May - September)
  • The Whitsundays are home to several endangered animals, such as dugongs and sea turtles
  • The famous Heart Reef is in the Whitsundays, located in Hardy Reef
  • Only 8 of the islands are inhabited with resorts

girls swimming at Whitehaven beach

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