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Should I book in advance? (Whitsunday Early Bird Deals)

Early bird deals

What are the advantages of booking well in advance?

    1. Save - If you book in advance, we are able to offer you the best possible prices at the time of your booking, despite later price increases. By booking in ahead of time, you will lock in the current prices, which tend to go up with each season. It is common travel knowledge that yes - standby rates can be cheaper - however with the best boats this is often not the case as many tour do not offer standby rates. By booking ahead not only do you increase your chances of saving, but you also ensure to get on the boat of your choice. 

    1. Get the boat you want - At Sailing Whitsundays, we offer over the largest variety of boat trips in the Whitsundays. Each of our products offer a unique experiences suited to different types of travellers. When you book in advance, our agents are able to find you the best-suited tour that meets all your preferences and desires. If you leave booking too close to your arrival, it usually means our agents our limited to what is left, meaning you may not be able to secure the trip of your choice.

    1. Secure a trip that meets your tight time-frame - Due to the Whitsundays remote location, it can be more challenging to coordinate flight times with boat times. Again, if you leave your overnight charter booking to the last minute you will find that there are few (if any) to choose from. This is especially the case if you plan on visiting in peak season, such as during school holidays, Easter vacation or Christmas. By booking in advance, you will have a much better idea of your time frame and be able to plan accordingly. Please note we always recommend that you arrive the day prior to your trip and depart the day following to avoid any problems due to flight delays or cancellations.

  1. Leave with a smile! - When you get what you want, when you want and for the best price, it's pretty hard to be disappointed! This makes our team happy as we are able to get you on the boat of your choice to ensure you have the best time possible while in the Whitsundays. 

What boats get fully booked first?

Below, we have outlined for you the boats that typically fill up the quickest. If any of these types of trips (or individual boats) interest you, be sure to book well in advance. Call us for more details...

Lower passenger numbers and private cabins available  
These are top comfort vessels that are usually geared towards couples, featuring fully en-suited private cabins. Because these boats take out fewer passengers and offer a more exclusive experience, they fill up very quickly.

Whitsunday Blue Whitsunday Getaway Whitsunday Adventurer Whitsunday Bliss
Prima Blizzard Entice On Ice

Additional activities included (ie. Paddle boards, kayaks, etc.)
Lots of people enjoy having other water activities available to them other than just snorkelling. For this reason, these types of boats (that offer additional activities) are quite popular and are often fully booked weeks prior to the departure!

Whitsunday Adventurer On Ice Blizzard Summertime New Horizon SV Whitehaven

Young and fun: popular by word of mouth 
These are boats that, despite taking more passengers on board, book up quickly because of their popularity! Fun and social boats that the 18 - 35s are talking about!

Atlantic Clipper Tongarra New Horizon British Defender

Private Charters
In order to book out an entire boat for an exclusive experience, you must plan ahead! If you are looking to book a private charter in low season, we recommend booking a minimum of 3 months in advance. During peak-season, we recommend a minimum of 6 months in advance. Avoid disappointment and get in as early as possible.

Private Charters
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  • We can build packages to save you $$$
  • Whitsundays biggest boat cooperative

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