07 4914 2425

Do I need to be vaccinated to travel to the Whitsundays?

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Lily Kerley
Updated Tue 26 Sep 2023

Whitsunday Travel COVID Information Vaccinations

Access the latest information regarding vaccination rollouts and travel restrictions from the
 Queensland Government website.

From Thursday 14 April 2022, the Queensland State Government eased COVID-19 vaccination restrictions. Vaccination is no longer required to enter most businesses, services and activities. Venues include pubs and clubs, cafes and restaurants, theme parks, casinos, cinemas, weddings, showgrounds, galleries, libraries, museums and stadiums. Additionally, the requirement to check in at these locations has ended.

Proof of vaccination and mandatory check-ins are required in vulnerable settings, such as hospitals and residential aged care. Read more about the mandatory vaccination requirements and check-ins at the Queensland Health website.

Face masks remain mandatory in health care settings, on public transport and rideshares, and in airports and on commercial flights. Masks are still recommended whenever social distance is not possible, to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Read more about face mask requirements at the Queensland Health website.

It is recommended to check if vaccination or face mask restrictions apply to businesses, services, or activities before visiting or booking.

Vaccination and tours in the Whitsundays and Airlie Beach

Under the current Queensland State Government restrictions updated on Thursday 14 April 2022, vaccination is no longer required to enter most businesses, services and activities. However, it is strongly recommended to check if vaccination or face mask restrictions apply before booking, as some individual external operators still require guests to be vaccinated.

To check the vaccination policies of individual tours and experiences at Sailing Whitsundays, we recommend enquiring with our friendly, experienced staff before booking. Live chat or call us today on +61 7 4914 2425.

Vaccination and travelling to the Whitsundays from interstate 

As of 15 January 2022, any interstate travellers arriving in Queensland no longer have to:

  • Apply for a border pass
  • Provide vaccination status 
  • Provide a negative COVID-19 test result
  • Quarantine if you are unvaccinated

Once in Queensland, current vaccination restrictions and face mask mandates, as outlined above, will be in place for both unvaccinated residents and unvaccinated visitors. Please keep in mind that this information is subject to change.

If you experience COVID-19 symptoms while in Queensland make sure to check the current government regulations and get tested immediately.

Vaccination and travelling to the Whitsundays from overseas 

For travellers entering Queensland from overseas, you are required to follow the Australian Government's eligibility requirements to enter Australia. The Queensland Government outlines that travellers can enter Queensland without the need to quarantine so long as they:

  • do not have COVID-19 symptoms
  • test negative within 24 hours of arriving
  • do not visit any vulnerable settings (hospitals, residential aged care facilities, disability accommodation, prisons and detention centres) for 7 days

The Queensland Government outlines that international arrivals who have been outside of Australia in the last 7 days must:

  • take a COVID-19 test within 24 hours of arriving
  • travel as directly as practicable using a private vehicle, hire car, taxi, endorsed transport provider or rideshare to a residence or accommodation (cabin on a cruise liner, boat or government-nominated accommodation) until a negative result is received

For the latest information, read more about entering Queensland from overseas on the Queensland Government's website

Arrivals Whitsunday Airports

The Whitsundays looks forward to welcoming all visitors with open arms. Indeed, we all deserve a tropical getaway after the last tumultuous two years! For more guidance on travelling to the Whitsundays and COVID-19, read our handy pre-travel COVID-19 checklist.

For any questions regarding bookings, cancellations or queries, don’t hesitate to contact our experienced travel agents.

Call us on +61 7 4914 2425 or live chat with a real agent today!

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