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Should I Check Availability Before Booking a Trip?

Updated Wed 03 Jan 2024

The simple answer is 'yes'!

At Sailing-Whitsundays, we are dedicated to providing top customer service to all of our clients to ensure they have a wonderful experience in the Whitsundays which is hassle-free.

In order to provide this, we offer personalised service to each individual to ensure all clients book the most suitable trip for them – and we do this by correspondence which is quick and efficient.

To achieve this, we recommend checking availability first, before booking anything directly through the website. This is easy and straight-forward. You can call us, email us, submit an availability check through the product page or use the ‘chat’ function and talk to us directly.

Because the booking portal on the website is not live, it is very important to confirm there is space with our agents before submitting any payment.

Along with helping to check availability, our sales team can also suggest the best trip for you. They can also answer any questions you may have and also help with transfers, accommodation and more.

Please feel free to chat with our friendly travel consultants at any time!

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  • Our experts are Based in Airlie Beach
  • We can build packages to save you $$$
  • Whitsundays biggest boat cooperative

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