07 4914 2425

Things To Do Before I Die

Sailing Whitsunday's competition to win a GoPro 9!

If you've visited the bustling coastal township of Airlie Beach recently you would have strolled past the huge 'Before I die I want to' chalkboard that exhibits the bucket-list dreams of those local and interstate. It's time for you to add your wildest and most creative dream to Sailing Whitsunday's 'Before I Die' chalkboard to go into the draw to win a free GOPRO 9 - one GOPRO 9 will be given away each month!

Sailing Whitsunday's Before I Die Competition, to win a GoPro 9

Updated 04/01/22

How to Enter and Win a GOPRO 9

Everybody has a bucket list! Now is the time to think up your greatest 'Before I die I want to' wish for our local Whitsunday judges!

1. Locate our now-famous 'Before I Die' chalkboard sign next to our Sailing Whitsunday's travel shop, at 4/1 Airlie Esplanade

2. Write your best comment on the chalkboard, then take the best picture you can pointing to your comment (see above image for reference)

3. Send your picture along with your name, contact number, email address, and home city to: whitsunday@gmail.com 

Every month one lucky winner is selected by a panel of judges and a $600 retail value price GOPRO 9 will be given away! Time to get thinking - and clicking as you get the chance to capture the underwater playgrounds of the Whitsundays!

Women taking photos on a GoPro 9, Whitsundays

The story behind the Airlie Beach 'Before I Die ' Chalkboard

The now-famous 'Before I Die' chalkboard sign beside our travel shop in the main street of Airlie Beach has a warm, local family history!

Several years ago the owners of Sailing Whitsundays, Keith and Dale Roberts were visiting family in New York. Whilst visiting the MOMA museum located in New York, a security guard walked up to Dale and quietly said to her, "if you write down something that might come true, it often does".

Dale then proceeded to write on the chalkboard, "I would like to be a Grandma". The very next day their son rang to break the news that they were going to be grandparents very soon. Call it a coincidence or call it fate, Dale's aspiration came true!

Keith and Dale, feeling inspired by their special day in the MOMO Museum, then created their very own 'Before I Die' chalkboard in the heart of Airlie Beach for locals and travellers to the Whitsundays to enjoy!

'Before I Die' boards are now located in approximately 70 countries, here are a few examples!

Visit Usa

Before I die image of the New York Chalkboard

Don't forget to take a picture and send your best 'Before I die I want to' comment to: whitsunday@gmail.com 

The very first winner of a GOPRO 9 will be drawn at the end of January 2022!

Looking for more to do on your trip to the Whitsundays? Call us on +61 7 4914 2425 or live chat with our team of experts today!

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