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Updated Tue 02 Jan 2024

You've made it to the Whitsundays, rifled through flyers in travel agents, or just taken the opportunity to watch the horizon off our beautiful east coast; and decided the swirling sands of Whitehaven, the reef, and the island paradises before you, will be explored! Maybe youve had a history of seasickness, or simply dont want to take the risk; and nothing ruins a trip like being unprepared. But worry not; we have a list of simple remedies and advice that will have you finding your sea legs in no time. 

Seasickness is caused by the freedom of your ocean bound vessel to move three dimensionally; the conflicting messages youre receiving from the sturdy, stationary floor beneath you, and the rolling motion of the waves; disorientating your bodies status quo. Essentially your inner ear canal and skin receptors inform the brain of movement; but your eyes disagree. Symptoms tend to include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and lack of equilibrium. A great way to avoid this problem is to ask around! Find the most stable vessels available to you, and pick days with predictably more stable weather. Of course both of these are to some degree luck, but it doesnt hurt to find out whats available to you; and with the Whitsundays known to have more predictable sailing conditions the weathers unlikely to be a problem. But what can you do to make sure you get the most out of this once in a lifetime experience? 

It may sound simple but watching the horizon is perhaps one of the most effective ways of avoiding seasickness; but hey youre in the Whitsundays, you werent going to be reading a book in your cabin! Since the horizon will move with the motion of the boat; watching the horizon will reduce the number of confusing signals your body is receiving. 

Take some good old motherly advice and avoid binging the night before; alcohol, greasy foods, overeating, and poor sleep, are bound to bring on an issue or two; after all if you get on the boat feeling queasy, seasickness may not be far away. 

Nothing will bring on seasickness faster than the sounds and sights of another. Keeping your distance and focussing on the positives will make sure you dont succumb to that queasy feeling. Dont feel guilty! The crew of your boat will be fantastically trained to deal with any sufferers, so allowing them to look after one person effectively, is far more practical than sticking around and suffering yourself. 

Dramamine (a form of antihistamine) is an effective way of treating the symptoms of seasickness before they occur. A dose the night before will calm any stimulation in the inner ear canal, and a second dose an hour before boarding will give the medication a chance to work; and then follow the dosage instructions for the duration of the journey. Most people taking antihistamines in this way report great results, and no feeling of sickness during their day trips, and overnight tours. 

Remember the mind is an incredible tool, and you can talk yourself into, and out of seasickness. A positive outlook will likely be one of the best forms of self-medication available. If you focus on why youre here, and have fun at the same time; thisll go a long way to keep that queasy feeling at bay.

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