Flights to Airlie Beach, Whitsundays
When booking a flight to the Whitsundays, please be mindful of which airport you choose to fly into and out of, as both are some distance away from Airlie Beach. The Proserpine (Whitsunday Coast) Airport is located about 40km away from Airlie Beach and requires a shuttle transfer or taxi into town. Hamilton Island Airport requires a ferry to Airlie Beach, as it is located on an island, leaving about every hour and a half throughout the day.
For flights options check out:
Whitsunday Coast (Proserpine) Airport
You can fly into Proserpine into the Whitsunday Coast Airport in order to reach Airlie Beach. You can either get a taxi into Airlie Beach or we can arrange a shuttle bus for you that will bring you to your accommodation. Allow at least one hour for transfer times, and keep in mind what time your tour leaves, allowing plenty of time for yourself. Prices are $20pp for one or $35pp return. Check out Airport Transfers for more information.
Hamilton Island Airport
You also have the option to fly into Hamilton Island and catch a ferry over to the mainland. The Cruise Whitsundays ferries will be waiting outside the airport terminal and you can buy tickets on arrival. The price is around $48 payable direct to the ferry company. Keep in mind you need to allow several hours to get to Airlie Beach.