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Backpacker How-To Australia

If you want to backpack around Australia, you might have a few questions on the best way to do it. How you will do it will depend on your budget, length of travel and where you wish to visit during your travels. Most backpackers make their way North to South or South to North of the East Coast of Australia, visiting Melbourne, Sydney, the Sunshine Coast, the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Townsville, Airlie Beach and Cairns, with plenty of stops in between.  



The first and most important part of backpacking is budget. Depending on the type of visa you apply for when arriving in Australia, you may be able to work or you may not, which clearly will affect how much money you will have during your travels. The Working Holiday Visa 417, is a popular choice among backpackers, as it allows them to work and travel, subsidizing their budget and cash flow along the way. It is available for adults up to 31 years old. You can check more visa information here.

In order to stay within your budget, it's a good idea to make a plan and map out how much money you have allotted for the time you spend here. Look up flights, tours, hotels and hostels and ensure you have enough money and work from there. Sailing-Whitsundays has fantastic budget options for those with limited resources, which you can see here.

Ask your travel agent on our chat or email the best way to work with your budget and get the best bang for your buck.


There are a few things that are a really good idea to take into account during your travels.


Travel insurance is important for a number of reasons. They cover you in case of cancellations on travel (tours, flights, etc.) and also can cover medical and health insurance in case of any accidents. Hopefully, it will never be used, but it is always, always a good idea to get just in case. We highly recommend travel insurance especially if you're travelling in the rainy season.


An obvious important one, but always check your passport expiry date before travelling. Most countries don't allow entry unless you have 6 months travel time left, and you will need this for entry into Australia.

A checklist

Make a checklist of all your important things (laptop, passport, camera) so whenever you move hostels or towns, you can make sure you have everything on your list. This will help you keep track of your things so you won't have to spend money replacing them! 

Sim card

It's a good idea to get a sim card to go in your phone upon arriving in Australia. They are usually cheap and you can pay as you go, meaning there's usually no major commitment. It'll help you if you need to look up something on the fly, phone your hostel or just stay connected with family.

Make a plan

It's good to have a plan. Get an idea of where you want to go and what you want to see while visiting Australia so you can check off all of your must-sees. The more you map out ahead of time, the better off you will be. Booking tours ahead of time is crucial to not only ensuring your spot, but also to saving you money in the long run.


Getting around Australia is pretty easy, with most backpackers opting to fly or get the bus or train. Some buy vans or cars to drive around the country, throwing in with their friends or other backpackers. Rental cars and campervans are also a great option if you want to see more of the country up close. There are nearly limitless options with so much readily available to backpackers.

Backpacking around Australia is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The beautiful and diverse landscape offers so much to new or returning visitors, with each and every stop offering something new and wonderful. Ask us the best way you can backpack and make the best of your trip!

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